Textile reinforced conveyor belts for general purpose

Benzi transportoare cu insertie textila de uz general

Antistatic and flame resistant conveyor belts

Benzi transportoare cu insertie textila antistatice si greu inflamabile

Antistatic, oil and flame resistant belts


Heat resistant conveyor belts 

Benzi transportoare cu insertie textila rezistente la temperatura

Rough top conveyor belts 


Oil resistant conveyor belts

Benzi transportoare cu insertie textila rezistente la produse petroliere, uleiuri minerale si grasimi

Chemicals resistant conveyor belts

Benzi transportoare cu insertie textila rezistente la produse chimice

TPU cover conveyor belts

Benzi transportoare cu fata purtatoare din poliuretan termoplastic (TPU)

Food contact conveyor belt 

Benzi transportoare alimentare

Chevron and sidewall conveyor belts

Benzi de uz general tip chevron (cu racleti) si benzi velcante

Steel cord conveyor belts

Benzi transportoare cu insertie cord otel

Elevator conveyor belts

Benzi elevator